Fife Gingerbread Parent’s Forum

In 2020 we embarked on collecting some informal information to understand the impact of COVID-19 and lock down on supported families with an incredible response.  This was the beginning of a parent’s forum which has been evolving ever since!

We have a membership of 10 parents who have either had support in the past, are supported now by Fife Gingerbread, or are parents who have volunteered. We meet fortnightly on Zoom on a Tuesday evening at 8 pm – sometimes a few kids appear in PJs and the odd cat. It’s really informal and creates an opportunity for parents to share challenges and Fife Gingerbread workers to share ideas, ask opinions of situations and/or proposals, and get the voice of people who access the service. The group has been integral to the development of the organisation’s Business Planning, fundraising and projects. Connecting directly with Laura (Strategic Manager) and Kath (Operations Manager) to ensure that the experts (i.e. parents) are at the heart of what we do and influencing our approach.

Not only are they improving our work at Fife Gingerbread, but they’ve also joined national conversations further afield such as:

-        Contributing to JRF Poverty in Scotland Report in 2021 and 2022

-        Inviting Poverty Alliance researchers to sessions

-        Joining the Poverty & Inequality Commission experts by experience panel  

-        Speaking to Scottish Government researchers interested in childcare

-        Joining Children’s Parliament project to develop UNCRC materials for families

In between times, we try to squeeze in a social lunch, now and then, so that we can meet up in person and build relationships – we all work together as a lovely supportive team.

Recently we introduced a small thank you for parents participation, and the important contribution the forum members make to Fife Gingerbread (Where members attend at least half of meetings or more each term they’ll receive a £50 voucher).

The forum is a space to learn but it’s also great fun, we always end up having a laugh and smiling.

A couple of the members have shared their thoughts:


I’m Julie, I am a single mum to one, an amazing 9 year old girl. I am medically retired due to several conditions but I am a proud volunteer at Fife Gingerbread.

I am currently involved in several projects within fife gingerbread from Tea time club, Starcatchers, and Parents forum, as well as retraining doing things such as my food hygiene, youth work training,  I even done a fun confidence course, but we are also given opportunities through Fife Gingerbread to take part in fun exciting projects with other things.

My daughter and I are currently involved with the Children’s Parliament, we are helping the panel, alongside 14 other family’s across Scotland, to contributing our views and experiences of family life in Scotland. This is done is a fun exciting way, with fun art materials, mission packs, as well as engaging with the panel and other family’s through online meets, we will also get the chance to meet in person for fun events to assist the Children’s Parliament. We do most of the work at home and we are really enjoying taking part in this.


The forum is a place where we can open up about anything. Help each other.  I was part of Joseph Rowntree Foundation research and work around child poverty.  The forum has made a big difference in my anxiety meeting new people too. It’s a great laugh once a fortnight when we all come together. 


The parents forum is a really informative and fun place to be.  We laugh and support each other – identify issues and explore how we can challenge unfairness and stigma.

The parents who attend are amazing people who have been through some tough times and are successfully overcoming challenges and barriers to fully participate in their community and society. 

The group give me food for thought and help me to learn that my perspective is mine and not necessary the same as others and visa versa.  It is a safe space to be honest, open and challenge practice and learn. It doesn’t matter how tired I am on a Tuesday evening I always come off the call buzzing and up lifted and having learnt something new.



I’m Jane  I’ve been a volunteer with Fife Gingerbread for 4 years and love it. On the back of been a volunteer and taking on a 6 month project role within Fife Gingerbread I decided that I loved it so much that I felt like I needed career change and went back to collage to study so I could gain the qualifications to enable me to find a job doing something I love helping others & making a difference.

 I’m new to been part of the Parents Forum it’s a great group of people who enjoy a chat but helps us talk about issues and share ideas and look at ways changes can be made .


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