Making it Work for Lone Parents

Empowering lone parents on their journey towards flexible, healthy and well paid employment.

Making it Work for Lone Parents has been supporting lone parent families in Fife since 2013. The project is delivered in partnership with staff from Fife Gingerbread and Citizens Advice & Rights Fife. We offer lone parents holistic support to secure, sustain or improve employment. Making it work for Lone Parents is delivered at a pace which meets the needs of each individual and is centered around one-to-one emotional, specialist support and group work. Additionally, we have a network of volunteers who will provide buddy support to lone parents to help them grow in confidence and overcome isolation.

Who will we support?

  •  Lone parents living in the Cowdenbeath, Levenmouth, Kirckaldy and Glenrothes areas.

  •  Unemployed lone parents looking for support to progress towards training, education and work.

    Working lone parents needing support to sustain work, upskill or improve their current employment.

    What will we do?

  • We will provide one-to-one support for lone parents, and work together to create an action plan.

  • There will be support from our experienced skilled workers and ‘buddy’ volunteers for lone parents.

  • There will be a range of groups and activities available to support lone parents to build their confidence, skills and become a part of their local community by offering a wide variety of opportunities to meet new people and experience new situations.

  • We will support lone parents to connect with specialist support agencies and community activities.

  • Our Financial Inclusion worker will support families with money management, income maximisation, budgeting and debt.

  • We will take a holistic whole family approach providing family learning activities throughout the year.

To make a referral or for more info:

Call: 01592 725 210

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