Child Maintenance Support

Supporting lone parents to successfully claim child maintenance.

Fife Gingerbread will be engaging with resident lone parents living in Fife to provide support and advocacy around their Child Maintenance claim. Whether parents don’t know where to start, are having issues with their current claim or worried about the process… we are here to help. We believe that children are entitled to fair financial support from both parents wherever possible to ensure their health, happiness and well-being.

Who will we support?

  • Families in Fife at any stage of their child maintenance journey. We can also support young people interested in making their claim.

What will we do?

  • Provide 1:1 tailored support to navigate the Child Maintenance system

  • Advocate on behalf of resident parents with the Child Maintenance Service

  • Continued support and advice once child maintenance is in place

  • Identify Income Maximisation opportunities for families

  • Drop-in sessions throughout Fife to provide information and guidance to families

  • Raise awareness of key issues affecting parents claiming child maintenance

Do you have questions about the Child Maintenance system?

We've put together an FAQ sheet with answers to the most common questions we hear. Whether you're wondering about payments, making arrangements, or what to do if things change, this guide has you covered.

📄 Download the FAQ sheet here

For more details on our wider Transforming Child Maintenance Partnership - Transforming Child Maintenance — Fife Gingerbread

To make a referral or for more info:

Call: 01592 725 210