
Our Story

‘Gingerbread’ was formed in London in 1970 by a mother looking for a specific support group for lone parents.
This start-up soon gained national interest, leading to Gingerbread were being formed throughout the UK, including Gingerbread Scotland in 1985.

> Two years later (1987) ‘Fife Federation of Gingerbread’ was established, changing to Fife Gingerbread in 2002- an autonomous organisation.


Over the past two decades, changes to financial support
and the needs of families in Fife have meant we have adapted
our approach, and in 2014 we widened our constitution to include vulnerable and disadvantaged families, whilst maintaining its
specialist support for lone parents.

Now, employing over twenty members of staff, Fife Gingerbread’s approach of Engage-Support-Progress is applied to all partnership projects and our volunteering work.

> We have supported parents for 30 years and are a valued part of the third sector in Fife. Our staff and volunteers, past and present, have made a positive impact on the lives of many families in Fife. We hope to continue our vital work for many years to come.